Friday, April 16, 2010

[In denial]

Hello hello! today was an adventurous day today! firstly, i need to say a big THANK YOU to my dearest BFF Albert "Lamebert" Cheng for being such a wonderful wonderful friend! he helped me submit my unisim application and saved me a trip. and thanks for being such a friend!!! as in, u really really fulfilled the "a friend in need is a friend in deed" phrase eh! really touched la, bertie! [=

So, after meeting up with bertie, went to harbourfront centre. met up with rina and a new colleague, jessie. then cheryl came. we went to USS! not to work, but to play. hahaha! USS rides are reallly aweeesome! i loveddd "Revenge of the mummies"! i got really wet when we played "jurassic park rapids". like i was really wet from head to toe. hmm, it was really fun! havent had fun and haven't screamed in a while. shall wait for cheryl and jessie to post the pics.. then can upload here. i love being in universal studios. sigh~ but think japan one is better. oh well.

and lastly, lol. here's something, erm, its a bit.. bhb la... but here goes:

was randomly fb-ing when reginald posted the friends exposed thing on my wall. so wanted to go and see .. but in order to unlock the questions right.. had to do quiz to get credits. i did like over 250 qns? to open the questions. and i got a lot of lame ppl la. hahaha. but this.. i know, he probably did it out of boredom. or maybe his friends did this for him.. but i shall be in a denial and be happy about it!

and who is max ehrich?

HAWT SHIT RIGHT? and i got to know him through ugly betty! as in, he acted as a guest star. and btw, he was one of the dancers in high school musical 3. weee~~~

i know it sounds desperate.. but hey! it made my day lor!! MAXXIE eh! [= awesome~~ ciaos~

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