Thursday, May 13, 2010

Last day of work!

Today was the last day of TFWA asia pacific exhibition! hahaha. FINALLY, after 4 tiring and boring days of working for my bitchy shitty french bosses and that fat indian woman, im free. but im missing work already. see? stupid emotional me. always so emotional whenever i work. and complain alot. perks to this job:

1. although my job is just a beeper, i gotta see many different people. and swimming in a pool of hawt, sophisticated and eligible men (caucasians and asians) in business suits walking in and out of my doors (of the convention centre and my life), how can i not be happy?! somemore, the guy at the french watch booth, he broke his leg or sth. but he's very very very hawt and charming. hahaha. and his hot french accent!!! hahahaha. (sorry alb! i knw i sound fuckin bimbotic x=) then everytime he walk out, he'll wink! LOL! luckily i worked at FHA and have already had the experience in feeling less heart-raced when hawt guys wink at me! so i didnt faint, or hyperventilate! hahaahah.

2. getting to observe the dressing of the very very sophisticated french women. omg! really have ALOT to learn from them when it comes to dressing and walking and behaving and doing ANYTHING while style, class and elegance. really puts me to shame. i thought i have already up-ed a notch by learning to use the eyelid glue. but then, they are.. another level. hahaha. i dont feel inferior. i just feel.. wow-ed by them. u know, theres just this group of people who really will amaze u so much, u feel more respect for them than feeling inferior. hahaha.

3. uncle paul. he is realy the most protective person i've worked with. he really went all out to help me and defend me. like when my supervisor comes by, and my back is facing her, he will "psst psst" me and i will behave better! and today, when the heinekein ppl gave him 8 cans of beer, he gave me 4. so i gave him the toblerones in return! he really very nice leh. fuck. so sad only 4 days. and i really learnt alot from him over the 4 days. rlly like a father to me.

4. take a look at the loots i got from work! LOL!!

1. burryerre chocs. 70% cocoa leh. fucking fucking.. good stuff? thanks to the belgium dude. he very kindly gave me discreetly when he went to the toilet! [=

2. John smith's beer! lol!!! this was the beer uncle paul gave me! he very nice lor. seriously. plus he will teach me life lessons kind.

4. random things. like madaleines .. and right at the right side of the pic, its Jean-Charles brosseau. its ombre rose. cus elly worked at the booth for this perfume.. and i went to visit her ytd during lunch time and she let me try her perfumes. and ombre rose, this flavour.. is fucking fucking frangrant. so today, when her boss walked in (he's broke his leg. lol. so he was on crutches, so quite easy to recognise) lol. so i said "i loved your perfume! the pink one" then he smiled. then thanked me. and he was tired from hoping on his better foot, so we lent him a chair to rest. then today, i went back to elly's booth to say bye to her.. and ask if i could have one last spritz. and he just asked me to take the whole bottle back! LOL! so, technically, since they havent sold this brand here in singapore yet, im the first (maybe nia la) in singapore to have it! [= the only bad thing, i dont have the cap since its a tester nia. and the pink packet at the bottom, is hello kitty perfume! lol! free tester!

hahaha! wooo! but the only sucky thing was the other security guard. she's fucking lazy la. the moment we start work, she went to smoke. then after half an hour, she comes back, sits for a while, then goes to the belgium chocolate booth to take free chocs? then she will sit for a while and text and text and talk on the phone then go back and smoke? then come back and do the same until lunch. then come back le, just sit there and text. let uncle paul do all the job? damn sian. ytd when belgium dude gave chocs, she first one to dash and take and split the loot leh? WTF. even though he gave us right, it was kinda me who kept greeting him one lor. lame ass. luckily and hopefully wont work with u alr. damn sian one leh. argh! worst worst person to work with.


hello. how may i helped chew? haahhaha!!! omg. fucking fucking shu nv lor. LOL!!

anyway random updates:

1. DANNY GOKEE'S ALBUM. ok la. its quite... typical. nt fantastic. but alright. abit gospel-ish x=


random piccas: hahaha. alb, i bet u can remember the yellow dude! [= and a pic of paul frank, because paul frank's ur friend.

last but not least...

the sucessful attempt to put eyelid glue to work AT LAST. so had to take a shot.

and yup. thats all. and wow, this sunday is ah gong's death anniversary. 8 years already leh. wowow. i wanna blog about it .. but in next post. maybe tmr. hahaha. now gotta fill up the fucking form. ok la. gotta go first, ciao. loooong day tmr again! but a looong day to chill~ [= cant wait!

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