maybe its the mood swing or the hormonal imbalance.. but im actually getting adrenaline rush from doing nothing on a friday afternoon! i am enjoying my life doing nothing! LOL! actually, for years, i have been looking forward to today. but i always forget how a relaxing afternoon doing nothing is actually very nice and not boring. i have brian mcfadden and his irish son playing on my CD player!! and i have a cup of green tea beside me while i'm blogging. the tv is switched off. i wanted to catch up on "your hand in mine" on xinmsn. but i shall not. it shall be a mind detoxifying day for me. just let me clean up my mind and all the horrible thoughts and sink into my sanctuary! i wanted to find my jack johnson disc. but just can't find it. im still in my jammies by the way!!! what better way to enjoy life uh? totally no worries and can just kick back and relax. now, thats something money cannot buy. was just off the phone with alb just now. how nice if everyday could be like this, just chatting random nonsensical nonsense to a good friend while rolling on your couch with ur jammies still on! i love nt contributing to the economy and just wasting my afternoon away like that! hahaha!!! anyway, in my defence, i DID contribute yesterday and somemore by a lot lor. sigh! oh well. money comes and go. wootsie! if only my tummy didnt ache, it would have been the bestest day i have ever had in a long long time. no fake smiles. no makeup. just being me in such a lovely place i'd like to call home!
i should do this more often. hahaha. i shall go pack notes for george later. and pack my bed at least. then read westlife. q lazy to read. blah. hahahaha. see how la~~ maybe iron clothes first. hoohoo.
hahahahah! nathan's going NS on 9 nov. can laugh. but oh well. this means more L4d2 then!!
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