Well, its 9.09am and i am awake, blogging! i slept at 4am last night because i was reading and this morning, i just sprung up at 7am, all bubbling with excitement for the day. Well, the actual reason i woke up so early is because at first, my aunt asked me to go universal studios with her and my coussies! i really wanted to! but dad said they're busy at work. so, i decided to help out lor. but the thing is, when i woke up at 7am, i was initially too sleepy to open my eyes. then i needed to pee and the next thing i know, i cant sleep! so i remembered i bought a potato and some mushrooms the other day and decided to make breakfast! so, 1 sunny side up, 1 mushroom omelette, some stir-fried mushies, pan-fried potatoes with salt (so that its the healthier version of potato chips) and i just turned on CNA and well, im gonna watch the rick Astley's interview later! woohoo! im so hyped up despite the 3 hours of sleep. WHY? I DONT KNOW!!! i just know that, when i was frying my breakfast and making my bed and cleaning up the dishes and kitchen, i suddenly really really really wanna have offsprings and just become a stepford wife!

i wanna wake up with a beautiful apron and cook breakfast for my husband and children! then kiss him on the cheeks and kiss them on their forehead before they leave for work/school! then go marketing with my fellow stepford wives, discussing how cute we think rick astley's ass is! then dust away, make the house very nice and flowery and clean.. then cook dinner, wait for the them to have dinner. ask them how their day was and make suggestions... have a nice family tv-watching session then at 10pm, we'll all head to bed while i have hot, passionate sex with husband. (no, i didnt fantasize the DETAILS, but just wanna include it into my stepford wife list).
then on weekends, we'll go picnic and fly kites and i'll prepare healthy sandwiches and stuff.
omg. totally fantasy. omg. what happened to strong career woman! GAHHH!
well, Good morning!
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