Came home from school at about 9pm and heard from mum that auntie huat cai passed away today. its not completely a shock because i knew she got into a car accident (that woman who knocked her was on the phone apparently). but my mum said it didnt seem very serious and she was conscious even though she was suffering from fractures and she kept saying "im going to die .." my mum still joked about it cus she seems to be conscious enough to say that. everyone were light-hearted about it. then apparently, she has very low blood pressure (she's in her late 80s mind you) and apparently she was supposed to go through an operation. but she died before she even had the chance to.
the reason i feel sad is because, although i've probably never spoken more than 10 sentences to her in my life, everytime i work for my dad, i'll see her around cleaning the display. she has really good children who told her to stop working but she just wants to kill time. so she does the cleaning of some of the shops. and she always say "huat cai. zua ji lai" means, get rich, hopes cash roll in. the way she says it damn funny. and sometimes my dad see her, he'll just shout 'huat cai" and she will start saying that. she's damn funny. but i feel she's a role model. working hard at what she's at despite her age. she makes a lot of friends and honestly, if u've ever been to the basement of hong leong building, sometimes u hear her voice ringing through the corridors. she had influenced me without me knowing. and, i think everyone will be able to sense her loss. sigh. everytime i see her, i just get reminded that shes 4 times older than i am and look at her energy level. i'll always remember her. always.
sigh. the thing is, when i stopped working for my dad for about a year, i thought maybe thats when she'll pass on. like, cus she's rlly old. but, i never knew she would pass on with me just having met her last week? like, really too sudden. i always look forward to seeing her whenever i go to work. and she'll always tell my father i've grown up, can get married alr.
well, i'll definitely miss her. but to quote something from rozz's blog:
"“as we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn’t supposed to let you down probably will. you will have your heart broken probably more than once and its harder every time. you’ll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. you’ll fight with your best friend. you’ll blame a new love for the things an old one did. you’ll cry because time is passing too fast, and you’ll eventually lose someone you love… so take too many pictures, laugh too much and love like you’ve never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you’ll never get back.“
well, yup. have to move on. i'll blog about my day in another post.
to auntie huat cai, goodbye..
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