hey there! today has been pretty good. woke up and felt the urge to jog. so went to get a quick jog.. then came home, did my household chores, helped cut the preserved limes for the guava (its this formula lao shi taught us.. she told us to cut thse preserved lime, then put it into a tub and throw in your mango, put a bit of sour plum powder and toss it abit an keep it in the fridge for 3 days.. and its heaven! i dun like guava all my life, even though ah ma and my dad loved it.. but this recipe.. is mmmmm... yummy! plus healthy!) then just crapped around with my family, lol.. gossipping about the neighbours and stuff. hahah. fuckin love these kinda family moments where my mum and dad seems to have become my friends. haha, so headed out with them to cityhall. accompanied bro to do something special.. lol! then headed to orchard to meet martin and anita. lol. havent seen martin since sept 12, my bday.. and he's darker and more macho uh! so nice to see him grow up. hahaha, as usual, we're full of crap. talked about army, school stuff and yup.. headed to watch harry potter movie for the second time and the impact it has on me is still pretty good! hahah. s nice to see dobby again. after the movie, martin craved for sushi tei but we were too slow. they closed. so headed to this jap place at ion orchard.. hmm, the cali handroll ish good. hahaha. then we just chatted and hung around and i was so full and my tummy felt abit weird cus martin gave me extra onions! lol! then went to etude house to get my mosturiser and some facial masks. gosh. i seriously swear its not cheap bring vain in singapore. haha. headed home and well, here i am. btw, i bought westlife's new album "gravity". lol! very nice! def better than the previous one! yay them!
theres something that has been bugging me. and honestly.. im going to put it as subtly as i can. well, after this week, i realise that, somethings just cannot be forced. if one doesn't wanna be in something, it will never be able to work no matter how hard you pull or try. yup. i mean, i've tried to try. i solemnly swear. but then.. well.. i don't really know now? i dunno. maybe its my fault. maybe im sensitive. well... it still upsets me that things have come to what it is today. guess i'll go with the flow...
well, this month alone.. has taught me that when life presents stuff to you, treasure it once you get your hands on it because .. that thing can evaporate. no matter what it is. yeah. well, im quite tired of trying to try already, tbh. its disheartening to receive such replies.. but nah, not gonna force anyone to do anything against their will. i just hope things will flow once again like it did once upon a time...
and well, yup. im heading to bed now. and the feeling im having now, its pretty shitty, tbh. but, thats life. right?
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