secondly, screw my lungs. not literally. but i've been coughing and it never stops. it got worse today in the mrt and ppl looked at me like im some crazy bitch. ]= and my menstruation isn't making it any better. really hope to get well soon.
thirdly, its been great working at expo for ICEX, its basically an association for export manufacturers for kitchen equipment from spain. and yes, i have mentioned that my boss is damn hot and charming. and what kind of a hot name is Vincante? cus my company occupies a large area.. and i have a lot of colleagues working.. there are really charming men and pretty ladies. all from spain. gosh.. its like, immortal? lol! and they are all very nice people as well. funny.. easy going.. sociable. totally feel stressless working for them. [= too bad its only 4 short days. plus my partner, another part timer, she's a total bimbo, in a good way! hahaha. she's very pretty. and we keep talking about very very bimbotic stuff.. like boys.. and shopping. its nice to get in touch with my bimbotic side once in a while. weeee~ heheh -giggle giggle-
fourthly. today is wednesday. ladies night. GAHH. 5 free coupons! my partner, eileen, she's going clubbing. a bunch of other fb friends are going clubbing. i wanna club too! i wanna feel the vibes of the bass booster and the loud music. and all my RNB songs! and just drink silly drunk and dance as though there's no tomorrow! just dance all my stress and worries away. and meet new people! but i cant, because:
1. i've just clubbed on sat
2. coughing, so cant drink cold/alcoholic stuff
3. got menses, cant drink cold stuff
4. too broke to cab back
5. no khaki.. tho i could have joined eileen.. or chantel?
gahhhhh. madness. sigh. i wanna be a partayyy animal. hahahha! anyway, some pics to remind me how being drunk felt like.. really unglam shots.. never before posted on fb. so... here goes:

oh well. i guess this must be true love. but wait a minute.. jamie cullum is a rich and talented guy. maybe, hmm.. oh well. just being practical here. sorry, been wearing my skeptical spectacles too often these days. im super sleepy. going to read my book "the audacity of hope" by mr Obama himself. [= while listening to jamie cullum' s voice. work tmr!
p/s: bertieeeee, i can't believe i missed LAN session! ]= hahah! paiseh leh, have been working... haiz.
p/p/s: mmm.. it is still all very addictive. =P
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