Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A true friend only brings out the best in you.

my life in a nutshell thus far,

1. my current job is to beep people. yeah. basically my best friend is this little machine that looks like a telephone, but is actually a scanner. my job is to scan everyone thats goes into the convention centre. yeah. and im working at the far end of the convention centre. and only once in a while will there be people coming up. so, my day passes fucking slow. and im now friends with the security guard, uncle paul. and the waitresses. and another suntec security guard. u see, i have really learnt humility through this job. cus, once upon a time, i used to never really be bothered about security guards? as in, they're just.. someone who gets paid for being slack? but then, thanks to uncle paul, whom i just made friends with today. he has 3 grown kids and now a retired policeman, he does this security thing to pass time. and he keeps protecting me. when customers ask me stuff and i dont know, he'll jump into my rescue. he knows that its not easy standing up all day, so he offers me his high chair.. and when the other security guard sits down, he will tell her to take another seat, cus my job is also tiring as well and we shud take care of each other! OMG. touching can! and please do not even think about any sick things, eg. me having romantic feelings for the uncle. HE IS MY FATHER'S AGE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. lol! i just feel that, its nice to have a father outside too. although cant trust too much la, but then again, what can he cheat me of? lol! the waitresses also.. those aunties who serve at the banquets.. hahaha. they accompanied me thru my duty when there was nothing to do at all. v nice of them. and the other security guard, from level 2 de, he's also very nice. he keep asking me to pull a chair to sit. lol!

2. sim uni application. lol. head-scratching, tummy-turningly confusing. i hope i dont get it wrong. thanks to reggie, for telling me about verifying the school results thing. and im going to only submit ON FRIDAY, A.K.A the last day. what audacity ar! lol! i hope i dont screw up.

3. as i have learnt from the hr summit, true friends only bring out the best in you. if they don't, then ditch them. but sadly, in this society, even if they don't.. u still have to put up a front to act like its alright.. cus .. if u ditch them, the whole cindy saga might occur again. cus the world is complicated, and everyone is linked to everyone.. and u never knw how ur relation with someone might affect that link of people u are gonna meet in the future. thats why things get complicated. but im going to keep things at a superficial level.

yeah, damn u! when u need me, u look for me. when u don't, u just happily chit chat with the new clique u've formed and chide me and ignore me. WOW. u always judge other people. and HOW DARE U "eeee"-ed at W mitchell's speech anyway. whatever. u are just something that happens to me. and what am i going to do about it? i'm just going to reset our friendship to acquaintances level. thats what im doing. and nope, i will not be doing what u did to me. u fucking fucking cb. sorry i have to use the vulgarities i hate most. because its intolerable. yes.

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