Sunday, May 9, 2010

What a weekend!

Saturday was quite fun! i slept at 12.30am on friday night, and woke up at 1pm on sat. lol! laze around, had lunch, then went off to work at abt 3pm. met the crew at cheers. glad to see reginald and peng [= went off to work. i gotta use the radio again! i used to br quite scared about using the walkie. but now, its fine. in fact it helped me alot. so before we went off to help at the concert, we had 1 hour dinner break. so we walked around uss. and i went to find reggie. and she was surprised. hahaha. love to bring surprises to people. she looked damn cute in her outfit lor! so anyhows, i was working for the concert - the mother's day concert. there was gao ling feng, deng miao hua etc.. all the old singers. and i was the usher for the tier seatings. and i got scolded for something thats not my fault! ]= cus there was this row of seats that we nickname the "bar seats". lol! cus the seats are blocked by the railings. and so happened, 4 aunties had to sit there.. then the aunties grumbled and grumbled. she was like saying "how do u expect me to sit here? im not a prisoner u know! etc etc" and i was like.. q stressed. so i quickly radio-ed lena. then fnally gotta shit them to the front. bu they thanked me la, in the end.. but gosh. almost broke out in cold sweat. yup.. then the whole concert was over and bro and lionel came to visit me.. while i was having a debrief. they dman lame can! hahahahah. i was saying "eh, talk later. my boss come le" then he said "huh! ur balls ar!" LOL! _|_ hahaha! then suppposed to tompang uncle daniel's car home, but we couldnt find his car LOL and just nice mumsy and dadsy were done with their jackpots. dad won some money! wee~~ so we went hm tgt. went home, chatted online and went to bed.

woke up at 11am today. supposed to have mother's day lunch with mumsy and lorr's family. hahaha. so we went padang palace to eat. yummy! finally gotta eat my fried durians. ALTHOUGH IM supposed to be on a diet, cus for tmr. fuckfuckfuck. shall elaborate more later. me, lionel, lorr and bro bought ABBA Cadabra - A Tribute to the music & magic of ABBA" for the folks. so nice to see their surprised reactions can! they are like, v happy and stuff.

Mastercard Advertisement: ABBA tickets - $372. the folk's happiness - priceless.

Random. hhaha. yppp. then went to walk around after that, lorr bought her glee album. zzzommmggggg. DANNY GOKEE HAS HIS OWN ALBUM~ OMG! i've been waiting for this day since last season's american idol's auditions when i frst lay eyes on danny!!!!! i thought i can dl. think i am gonna buy his album la!!!!! [x tmr!!!! andddd i wanna get my paul frank earphonesss!!! hahhahaa. anyway, i got black pumps, for work! im freed from heels and wedges. i think i might have hurt my ankle, cus it hurt like fuck when i bend it forward just now. so thank god. then came home, watched star awards! i appladed for chen hanwei and brian wong. chen hanwei has been my idol since i was in pri school? remember guan huai fang shi?! i loved him. u guys can say he's my first love. [= then, after that, i decided to try new makeup tricks which i saw from youtube. and i tried something new [= eyelid glue! some piccies!

although i have kinda got the hang of it, the glue is really really sticky and my eylashes always gets stuck to the glue. ]= must learn to prevent that! i hope i can master this skill though. it will be darn useful in future.

the after that, parents came bk and i had ba kwa. T.T and mangosteen! and bro had to buy mother's day cake. ]= cus right, tmr im working and we need to wear uniform. and its really frigging tight for me. esp the waist there. have been trying to eat less. which has been q sucessful cus i've been working all these while.. but today.. gg. tmr.. i scared will burst or sth. DIE LA. fucking self conscious. lol! and anyway, to whom it may concern, whatever it is, i wish u all the best! lol! thank goodness we're no longer intertwined.

p/s: omggg. i just hope for .. 1 time can le. just ONCE! hehe. so i can fulfil my wish.

ok, i gotta wake up at FUCKING 5.45AM. omg. fuckkkkk. ]= ciao. This friday, i swear, im going to go starbucks on my own and read w. mitchell's book. in peace. [= can't wait!

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