Friday, May 7, 2010

The 2 people i met on 7th May 2010

The price of vanity = a pair of aching feet from wearing wedges and standing all day long. lol. had quite an eventful day. was shalini's "assistant" for the day. while the various speakers spoke, i gave notes out. lol. i never felt so popular before! ever had a looooong queue of people right in front of you, queueing for you?! i have the experience! no la, they just want the notes. lol! x= denial again! anyway, i met 2 inspiring speakers today! really honoured. the first one was Beth Terry. it was all about being resilient in this society. how we should set our goals and stuff. although its more HR-ish, since its a HR summit, i felt i could extract the main essence of the presentation and apply it to daily life. and i spoke to her and it was very delightful! and so she took her book out and i saw. and turns out, she's not selling them in singapore and only brought 5 copies. i bought one. she said she sold it in us for usd15. so i gave her sgd25 for it. hahaha. its worth it la.

her autograph. [=

then during lunch, went to get w mitchell's book @ $30. but he is really one true blue real-life hero i've seen in my life. his hands have got no fingers, and yet, he can hold his pen with the stumps on his hands and wrote this for me:

this is the book. hahhaha. i know, i've wasted a day's work on 2 books. but, hey, why not buy something that can change my life right? i mean, the total i spent on these 2 books is equivalent to maybe, 2 tops? so what lor.

anyway, it was my honour to listen to W mitchell giving his speech at the end of the whole summit. about how he stood up. how he was thrown back his own advice after the plane crash. how he managed to figure things out. my feet killed me. but i didnt care, cus it was soooo amazing. really a big fan. he was asking, when was the last time you made a decision on your own? when was the last time u went solo? he said that, being able to overcome his "prison" which was his wheelchair and being able to decide to walk out of the shadow, was his greatest accomplishment. stuff happens. life will suck. but when it does, its not what happenened that matters, its what you do about it. you can list down 10,000 things are are impossible to do. but everyday, if u set a goal to complete 5 impossible things, everyday u will have 5 less impossible things to accomplish. its not what u have done that matters in life, its "whats next" that matters. why waste time re-living your former glory when the time could be used to accomplish more impossible things? these were jsut the tip of the iceberg from his speech. i tell u, if u were there.. u'd be blown away lor. so, what's next? [=

another honour, was that i gotta Nishant Kasibhatla in person. who is he? he holds the world record for best memory in the world. he started his speech by asking everyone in the audience to give a number and someone wrote them on this flipchart. then were about 30 numbers in total. he memorised all of it within 1 minute and read them out one by one after that. and BACKWARDS. wtf? i know i see geniuses on tv. but not so upclose. he's really friendly also. cus i took pics for him during his speech and he asked shalini for my email so that he can thank me. hahaha.

the whole event ended. and was really nice working with them all and making new friends! wished tomorrow dont have to work leh. damn sian. feel like going to starbucks and curling up into a ball and read the 2 books! [= YES I CAN! maybe i will go jog in the morning first. ok. had one fucking inspirational day!! never been able to meet so many inspiring people in one day before. definitely feel that my life has taken a turn. hahahah. ok la. gonna hang around online awhile more then heading to bed. [= tiring day today. maybe, i'll start reading now! wooo!! ok, ciao.

W mitchell, u really really have touched my life!

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