Thursday, May 6, 2010

Hello, Good morning!

Today worked for HR summit at suntec convention. reached my "office" at 7.30am. basically my office is the escalator landing on level 3. my job scope? saying "hi, good morning. proceed to level 6 please" in a over-happily-high-pitchy tone. the kind of tone mother goose reads her nursery rhyme. and basically, by the end of 8.30am (i didnt have a watch. but judging from my biological clock..), i was exhausted (a. because i wore wedges. b. because i have been talking non-stop like that for 1 whole hour.. at least said it.. 200 times? in that hour) . so exhausted, i cut it to "hi good morning" followed by a smile. i had to do this for 3 fucking hours. till 10.30am. and everytime i think im tired, i'll think how bad mooncake festival job was. im not going to put THAT experience on my new blog pls. if u wanna know, lol, just pm me. its damn embarrassing. but this.. "hi good morning" thing.. its soooo.. not worth $7 an hour. blah!! its the 2nd worst thing i had to do for money... and i was thinking, the words "good morning"is meant to give that person a nice optimistic view of his/her morning.. making them a little chirpier. but then, when i realised that im paid to say this, it lost its sincerity. i mean, how sincere is that? its $7 sincere. thats all i know. i felt like a machine saying it. like a broken tape recorder. felt.. quite bad for ruining such beautiful meaning that the phrase represents. felt bad for doing it for money. basically, felt superficial. really. i mean, this kinda greetings.. it should.. come out right from the bottom of the heart. whereas those words that passed my lips, it didn't even go through my heart.. just hoped that it did make someone's day a little brighter. so exhausted, i came up with something. i waited for a group of people to come up, say it to the most external person, and smile to the rest. smart right? just that, some people are really nice .. then if i do that "say it to the general public" trick .. it will hurt the people who are nice. lol! they will look like they're about to say good morning, but quickly took it back when they saw i didnt look her in the eye. then i must quickly say it. lol. ok, so anyway, being all analytical and always thinking .. how can i miss this opportunity to come up with my own theory about people, right? so here goes, introducing ... "Shirley's theory of people's response to the phrase "hello, good morning" ". i've had a range of responses, which i ranked from rudest to most appreciated. so rudest first.. here goes:

1 (Rudest) - completely ignoring your presence. totally not even lifting their head. or if nt, when said that to, will look in another direction, as though the wind has just spoken to him/her.

2 - while being said the magic phrase to, while the person is texting, will reply a hello or smile at the phone. as though it was phone who said "hello, good morning"

3 - will reply "hello" with a forced smile/ no smile.

4 - will smile like a sincere enough smile

5 - will reply with a hello with the smile

6 - will reply with "hello, thank you" with a smile

7 (mostly Caucasians doing it) - will reply "hello, thank you. how are u doing?"

8 (most appreciated) - "hello there. have u got any human remaining in you?"

i put my hands behind my back. and once in a while i get a rude person, i'll do the bun action. fuck lor. stuck up. lol! somemore, i was running out of voice and legs were gonna give way cus stood on wedges.. goshhh..

finally, hell was over. and i got to do ushering .. outside the green room. the seminars were really interesting. though they were mostly about HR topics. but there was one talk that really amazed me.. it was about emotional intelligence. although it was very commercialized .. but it made sense. ok, wad is emotional intelligence? to answer that, let me ask u something, "have u ever wondered to yourself, how can someone so smart be so dumb?" .. now thats emotional intelligence. go figure. or go google lor. hahhaa. basically its all about knowledge and confidence.

it wasn't a wasted day. during lunch, we went past the bookstore and this guy on a wheelchair said hi to me and elly (my new colleague). i was quite astounded. cus his face looked weird. and after that, i gotta know, he's w mitchell. u guys might not know him.. heres how he looks like:

he's all made up here. but in real life, his face had different pigment. i didnt mean to be insensitive.. but just shocked. and he's one of our speakers. ok, here's his story. he used to be in the marines. and he was involved in a blazing motorcycle accident and a paralyzing plane crash 4 years later. 65% of his body is burnt and he is paralyzed for life. but now, he's a mayor, a businessman, an environmentalist, and a life coach. and he managed to stop a mountain from turning into a mine. his story sounds familiar? people have said that james cameron has based on his life to create jake sully, the avatar dude. AMAZING RIGHT? i didnt know i was actually said hi to, by a celebrity. what an inspiration! anyway he's gonna be the last speaker for tmr's event. so much for saving the best for last. i'm gonna get his book tmr. hopefully he's there.. then can get an autograph. and this phrase, the title of the book, has always been what i've been telling people. haha... if he can stand up from such ... a setback.. then what about me?

anyway, decided to work hard for unisim la. haha. i guess, its not.. the situation.. its how i go about doing it. its not like doing uol is a failure. its a proper degree nonetheless. so.. work hard ba. hahaha. i guess, the only obstacle is myself. so.. jiayou? lol. can't wait for sunday! mother's day! cus i cant wait to see mummy's and daddy's reaction when they see the abba tix. hahahaha. tho is mother's day la.. but.. no point giving only the mums the tix. so gonna give advanced father's day also. [[=

and wanna thank my parents. just now had a good talk with them, re: me rejected by smu and stuff. they were saying.. dont worry.. sim also ok. etc. v encouraging. like never say "wa why so lousy?" etc. i thought they would and somehow i forsee they will.. but for now, i'll take it as it is. thanks sia.

anyways also, hopefully keymedia will get back to me regarding journalist job. and hopefully, smu will give me a chance. and hopefully, cleo will accept my entry.

i guess, hopes keeps ur life going. doesn't it? if nt, what are u gonna live for if there's no hope? or nothing to work for? hmmm.. ok la. tmr early day. ciao! and shall save best for last.. gonna save family guy new eps and the office new epis for the last also. hahahhaa. shall watch another time. so like that, life will be more fun. hahaha. ok~ ciao.

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