Wednesday, May 5, 2010

life in a mess

suddenly, today seemed to be the day where everything comes together. feels like a magnet for disaster. first, couldnt upload my online appeal. which makes me damnnnn anxious. plus thing is, i have work for the rest of the week. so i dont have the "office hours" to settle stuff. plus i think i've sent quite a fair bit of emails to smu. think they'll just strike me off. sigh!

secondly, everyone suddenly received sim packages. and actually, i wasnt anxious. then adeline suddenly asked me to check and stuff and i went down at 11pm to check my mailbox in the dark. ]= scary .. but bo bian. then opened, and its even scarier. have got no idea whats in it. no idea what they're talking about

thirdly, anita told me about uni of burmingham. omggggggggggg. wished i had applied for that instead. or at least UOL business. ok ok. SHIRLEY... KEEP COOL. KEEP CALM. U ARE THE CALM OCEAN. THINK OF THE CALM OCEAN. OKAY, MOVING IN... MOVING OUT.. OK. POSITIVITY.. OK. WITH WRITING AND FINANCIAL KNOWLEDGE, CAN WRITE FOR BUSINESS TIMES AND STUFF. OK. GOOD THINKING. GOOOD THINKING. CALMED. omfg. i really wished i could have chosen fucking business. need to have chat with tingfang.

fourthly, everyone also received graduation packages. and everyone's asking wad my seat is. ok nothing to panic. that one. lol. sigh. just very very very sad. i am leaving.

fifthly, i think kane hates me. damn sian to see his face. blah

sixthly, adeline and anita got chosen for uni in aus leh. wished i could go there.

seventhly, i love the "ciao" tee from f21. i bought an awsome belt today. is something wrong with me? blah.

eighthly, I HAVE WORK AT 7 FUCKING 30 am in the morning tomorrow and i am fucking sleepy.

ninthly, i was planning to write in to "today".. haha. x= cus i found a topic i can relate to. but then, NO FUCKING TIME. ok.. that will have to postpone. sorry conrad de souza! love love ur work, shud u even stop by my blog. [=


ok. nights people.

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