Sunday, May 2, 2010

You never know where life takes you

i have been depressed and blue about my life being social life-less and stuff. at least now, i have some.. sort of goal in life? ok, at least, life has lead me to:

1. deciding to pick up driving again and not let my license go to waste. u see, its not completely my dad's fault that i havent been able to practise. initially, he seemed ok to let me try. but the thing is, i have always been sleeping late.. and groggy in the morning. even i dont have the alertness to drive. so i didnt prove myself useful. so i thought, if i ever need to drive, i can do so by doing refresher's course like ken did. but now, since im free, i am suddenly pushed/ encouraged by my bro and alb to learn again. [= and sx has agreed to be my shifu.

2. volunteering. i always wanted to do something meaningful to the society.. and now, since i have so much on hand to be depressed about lame and stupidly fucking shits, i might as well help people. blah! have filled the form out. shall submit tmrz.

so yup. its weird how i can snap out of all these rubbish depressing social-life-comparing mindset. i cant la. but at least, my life is slowly taking a better turn. so what if my social life is dwindling.. and so what if im sore that people have better lives than me? im only human. i dont wanna be a saint! lol!

oh well. que sera sera~

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