Sunday, June 13, 2010

i don't think a good camera is all it takes to take a good picture. i don't think its the skills either. i know im not a photographer and judging from the quality of my pictures, i am no judge. i can't even call myself amateur. but i feel that a good picture tells a story. i feel a good photographer, should already know the story he/she wants to potray in his/her pictures and when they sucessfully deliver that story, its a success. its not really how clear or how abstract it is. i feel, an excellent photographer i would think of, is the writer of, heather Armstrong. because the reason people made cameras in the first place was to capture those special moment. and honestly, what story does a random cup of starbucks tell? i mean, i see people taking photos of EVERYTHING, from a cup of latte to toilet signs. really? is there a story u wanna tell or is it just to show off your expensive equipment? doesn't this abuse the reason why someone made a camera anyway? hmm... just random rants. nothing much.


  1. Let me tell you, I woke up randomly at 5a.m. and read this.

    And I found it so FUCKING TRUE! Now I cant sleep, thanks =)

  2. you random kid! was kinda inspired by you anyway! [:

  3. yeah because of starbucks right, and that guy on fb -.- I'm just personal LOL!
