Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I'm happy enough..

Good morning. omg, despite sleeping at 11.30 last night, i am still so damn fucking cui and sleepy now. gosh. and there's so much i wanna blog about. i know i haven't been doing much justice to my darling blog because, its like i don't even wanna come online when im home.. so i just hide away. haha. besides, tv's recently been good. so yup. well anyhoos, tonight have to OT for an extra hour. i really don't mind staying since i'm gonna be paid for it.
monday night was the night where the 25 hongkong tourists were taken hostage in the Phillipines. yeah, i was affected by it because wtf, they were showing the scene live leh. meaning to say that, at that moment, thousands and thousands around the world can only watch but can't help. u know that helpless feeling? its like, its REALLY life and death and not some TV show where it looks like they're dead but actually its all an act. its like, u can really see people being killed at the moment where i was sitting at the edge of my sofa and just watch. yeah. thats how it affected me. and if u ask how come ppl can film and not do anything about it? well, even though there were about 10 policemen there? they also couldn't do much. but i felt they really should have gone soft on him instead of making it even more tense by shooting at the window and trying to enter without negotiating. sigh. the really scary thing about the whole thing was, it was LIVE .. like at that moment, peoples' lives are suddenly being threatened and endangered. i mean, right at the moment, i wondered, what i would do if i were in the bus? omg. i would have cried my eyes out and definitely scare the daylight out of me. sigh, is anyone doing anything about the police system in the Phillipines? i mean, after the incident where the policemen abused the suspect with his clothes off and somemore taking video of him writhing in pain. what justice is there? its really abusing authority. sigh. i know im of no position to comment, but i mean, seeing that video and the hostage incident, how would they expect us to believe in anything? thank goodness it ended, i thought it would never end.. seeing the progress that night.

then watched "human life" on OKTO. they were showing the freak family from indonesia. see this link to know what i mean: http://www.yourdiscovery.com/web/my-shocking-story/episode-guide/freak-show-family/# .. sigh. its like, really coulnd't help again but cry. i mean, imagine u're being ridiculed your whole life because of something you didn't do. i mean, i wonder how many people out there are like that? i know parkway has this guy who suffers this. in indo, maybe the people are poorer so they aren't so skeptical. but imagine, if they lived in singapore. imagine they boarded public transport and what would people's reactions be? i would definitely cant help but stare.. though i'll try not to. when Mr Sahi had the operation to remove the "bubbles" on his face, you should see how happy and thankful he was. you would have given your heart out to them. sigh. and here i am, complaining. what rights do i have? seeing how the doctor was able to touch their lives, i was honestly very very touched. i wish to be able to do that to.. someday i wanna touch the lives of others. but right now, im too selfish. i mean, i still judge. i need to start training myself la. really, these kinda shows are really worth watching. yeah, theres no climax and the commentary is really monotonous.. but gosh, you'll only realise how fortunate you are. Mr Sakim (the elephant man), though he was offered help.. but he wanted his family's permission before he would do it. and his family didn't allow him to go through with the risk. so in the end, he didn't accept the help. here are just some photos... you decide for yourself if you're lucky being where you are.. don't judge me.

this is the "bubble man".

this is mr mamat, the "snake man"
and miss esih, "the lady". btw, she passed away because of cancer.. yeah.
and they had each other. together they formed this freak show and are known as the "freaky family". They threw their pride away for money to feed their families just for our entertainment. and well, luckily they had each other to give encouragement to each other. and they are very very courageous for daring to live on despite being the way they are. i would never have imagined how i would cope or what i would do.. yeah. count our blessings indeed.
ok, moving on.. so managed to catch "mind your language" the same night. i miss that show! [:
ok. so last night was invited to emsy's place for popiah party with her family. hahaha. love popiah party at her place. her sis came back and brought her american/holland/american cham cham friend with her. and also have emsy's relatives. it was a little awkward at first, but its the norm i guess. then we started using our hands to make and eat the popiahs. haha. well, chatting with her family reminds me of how shallow i am. hahahah! i mean, it was very insightful and i definitely learn alot, as always, about the world and stuff. especially news on america. i wished i could blend into their lingo "sixth avenue this.. second avenue that.." haha. i felt like a square peg in a round hole.. but nonetheless, i had a good time though! im not even being sacarstic. hhaha
well now is working time. workity work. today seems to be a miracle day because usually people would have been to afraid/angry/sian of my voice to even wanna hear me out anymore and i am actually receiving calls from people! they ARE calling me! WOW! what amazing miracle news to me. lol! well, i hope it keeps up cus my tasks just gets tougher.
okay la. enjoyed this blogging session. will blorg soon. thinking of chaning blog theme/skin soon. [: adios amigos.

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