The problem with me is that, i always never put in enough effort. that is why my life is mediocre. when the going gets tough, i get going (away). i never have enough determination to see through to something. the only thing that i actually put in effort to complete and see it through, is my yearbook. which is why it is my baby. but it wasn't without the pushing and encouraging from my lecturers and colleagues. ok, examples of friends who has something in their life that, they constantly do:
1. Albsie - his drawing
2. shu xian - her bowling/ photography
3. bro- photography/ bowling
4. dad - bowling
5. emma - her studies
6. regina - her online shopping
7. ryan foo - his computer games
the list just goes on.. as for me, it just seems like, theres no one particular part of my life that i put dedication and effort in. well, the only thing - Facebook. but thats not even real life lor. i mean, if i were to label myself with an actvity.. its only blogging. and its not even an achievement lor. i mean, its just rants and complaints. sometimes my english is broken too.
just look at my life.. i tried to start an exercise regime and i gave up. i tried a diet regime, and i gave up. i said i had passion for writing.. and now, i don't even write professionally. then i wanna be the career woman, and i don't even study hard enough. i said i wanna save for london, and i cannot see through to it. honestly, what the hell do i really wanna do with my life sia? when i think back, im so fucking frustrated! what do i really want? and when i decide what i want.. why do i get going when the going gets tough?? even for games, i stopped mapling when i hit level 50+ cus it got tough. once i hit a certain level on o2 jam, i just stop improving? the only thing i've probably dedicatedly done these years, is blogging. and i'm not even getting better. myohmy. what is the purpose of my life, really?
i don't care. i'd better sort my life out and decide what i really wanna do and just stick with it, through thick and through thin. fuck it.
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