its friday again! honestly, this week has been really good. today's good too. managed to hit my quota. Canada's really quiet today with sharad taking half day leave, aaron gone and gerard on 3 days leave. i've decided to make a change once again. i've been taking life too easy these couple of months.. simply sticking to my status quo, just resting and lazing around on my weekends. school's about to start in a couple of weeks and this is gonna be the last time im going to be studying proper and i need to straighten things out around my life. room's getting very messy, bedsheets left unchanged, wardrobe left messed up, bookshelves all over the place. i just sorted my own grooming out last night, waxed hairy legs, shaved armpits, did legs, hairmasked my hair.. i feel like a normal human being again. haha. as in, without all that done, i feel worse than tarzan, like really..
things to do to straighten life out:
1. clear bookshelf in preparation of school
2. change bedsheets before school starts
3. replenish stationery
4. pack wardrobe. maybe do some organising
5. vacuum (maybe 2 more weeks time?)
changes i wanna try:
1. get a different hair style. god knows how long i've been having the bangs+bob hairdo! i need a change
2. my hair colour is dull. i did it dark coloured because of grad day and uss. so time to brighten it up
3. get treatment for my dried and spoiled hair
4. try to get monthly contacts again
5. experiment a new makeup style.. hmmm....
6. start exercising 3 times a week
7. start watching a new tv series from scratch (im actually starting the big bang theory. haha. its damn funny)
8. hopefully can get itouch4 before school starts!
9. wanna finish my jodi picoult book soon!
my life's pretty much on track these days. im sleeping before 12. waking up when everyone else does. i eat breakfast. i feel useful cus i contribute t the economy. for once, i no longer need to say im broke.. hehe! my social life is pretty good. meeting up with close friends. [: yeah. im contented. haha. just now during lunch, me, kevin, hsin ming, serene, jen kaen were talking about aging, life, death, politics. im always intrigued enough to talk about these kinda stuff. but working for the ministry and talking about politics in the pantry isn't a very smart move. oh well. we're gonna close the survey this tues. i hope it'll still be pretty slackable leh. hahaha. ok. TGIF once again! hopefully everyone will have a good weekend! i need to sort things out.
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