gosh. Im fucking sleepy but i just cant seem to go to sleep! Been watching tv and eating and doing econs assignment today. went to meet sx and emsy for dinner at ewf. Yummsy. Love my salt and vinegar fries. Ohfuck. I crave for british takeaway! Anyhoos, we drank koi just nw and i guess thats why im so restless. Came hm at abt 10 and polished up my assignment and then headed to bed at abt 1. Then read abit of eat.pray.love ... And wimpy kid. lol. Still cant sleep and decided to do my budgetting for my own life. Im gonna be spending more than half my monthly allowance within the first week. I so must lay my hands on those wedges! And loafers. Sigh! So exspensive! Thing is, the shoes, which add up to 70 dollars are the only wants i have leh. Sigh!
Well, anyhoos, brandon asked for a chance to explain why he was a jerk last time. Its all the lame stuff like he likes me too much and it scared him. What bull. Idk. But im nt gnna give in to that. I think. Though i actually gave him a chance to explain but managed to keep my dignity by saying 'whats the point of bringing this up now?' hah! But ya. Tbh, im q vulnerable at this point of time cus well, my life isnt fantastic. but no matter how vulnerable, im gg to at least appear strong. I had to actually look at ***'s photo to keep me from giving in and believing fucking brandon. Rlly. Wtf. Im nt the xiaomeimeis he jios lor. Im nt gnna believe him. He's vile. He's just another daniel cleaver. Fuck him la. Wtf.
Kk. I go sleep le. Nights.
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