yesterday met up with liwen for breakfast. hahah. after, leaving secondary school for 4 years and not having a proper conversation since god knows when, we've decided to meet for breakfast via facebook. haha. yup, mark zuckerberg, we thank you. haha. it was my fault cus i overslept and was late for our date. so supposed to meet her in sim and in the end, i was too late and we decided to eat in town.. macs. then we're supposed to lunch about an hour and i was too nua. so i just skipped school. lol. i really dun like my lecturer for that particular module anyway. so pon-ed it. went to tcc for waffles and yeah. chatted a lot. mostly catching up and stuff. ahaha. really had a good time. i feel we should do it again. lol!
well.. went for econs lecture, now econs lecture is one lecture i'll never miss for the world! manfred ting and his lame jokes. and im so glad i didnt miss his lecture. lol! me, derrick and huilin just cannot stop laughing! hahahhaha. super super cute! manfred ting.
came home and had dinner. and nua somemore until 12. then began doing tutorials till 4am. then woke up at 2pm and have been online since today. fuck. i havent been on my lappy in a while and i miss soulpancake! lol! okay la. yesss! its the weekends :D i fucking can't wait! ciao!!
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