i'm just so silly la. haha, honestly, since nothing happened, why do i have to be so paranoid and think about so much things? So silly. Well, today was good. Met up with emma to do pure f21 shopping. Omg. F21 is amazing. i bought this pair of owl socks. Lol. And other stuff. Will load pics the next time i come online. We kept trying and trying! Lol! As though f21 was ours. f21-ing w emsy pamsy! Then supposed to meet adeline to mug but she was lazy to come out. Blah. But weather's so hazy lor. Madness. Smelly and irritates throats! So came home, camwhored alittle (yay! New zipai pics coming..) and then showered, lazed arnd till dinner came and then watched tv, then msged and msged and msned until now. :( inefficient. :(( anyhoos, is lorraine's bday! Sigh. She's 17! I miss being 17! I rmbed how adventurous i used to feel. Lol! Oh well. Gnna dye hair w morgan and run random errands. Busy day tmr xD stupid mormor. Lol!
I've come to think of.. Why nt bask in denial eh? Why do i need to come back to reality? Lol. I mean, its nt like me being in denial will harm anyone. Lol! Okie. Gnna watch some fam guy, then its bedtime. Stamina's been low these days. Haha. goodbye. :)
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