i am thankful for:
- my family. My parents who work hard to keep our family financially stable and allow me to fill my tummy and get what i need and ocassionally what i want. My family who always sit down with me for dinner where it would mostly be filled with laughter and jokes. For keeping me sane. For providing me with a nice roof over my head.
Im thankful for my grandparents, who once upon a time made me feel like a gemstone. For being there when my tooth fell off and i didnt know what to do. ah gong, for always giving me hugs and loving me so much, i can remember it even after almost 10 years since you've gone. Ahma, for always being strict yet tender. For filling my tummy with ur porridge. When i was sick, u humoured me to take my medicine.
Im thankful for gugu, uncle daniel, lorr and lionel for treating me like ur own. Like i have a second family. Esp lorraine, for being my best friend and sister. Always being there when i need a listening ear. And gugu, who makes sure im well taken care of all the time.
Im thankful for u, uncle maurice. Once upon a time, i swear one day, i'll earn enough to treat you like my own father.. For all the good times u brought when u visited us.. Now u're alone. After that fateful day more than 5 years ago, we never saw u. I will find u. And then i'll take care of u too. I miss u.
Friends - im thankful for reggie veggie. For listening to even the most bitchiest, sluttiest, littlest things that flashes through my head. For always looking out for me and protecting me from the bad. For always making me smile. For making my first clubbing experience so memorable. For being harsh with me.
im thankful for albsie. For supporting me no matter what my decisions were. For keeping me sane. For all the frog porridge therapies. For allowing me to have a place to put my ridiculous theories in. For telling me ur thougts and ideas. For always being there even when u cant. For always appearing in my head when im weak because i know i dont wanna ever disappoint u.
Im thankful for nei. For everytime i see u, no matter what situation im in, u make me feel like the old, jovial shirley who tells jokes so lame, u guys always roll ur eyes. And for always playing along with me. And for all the good food ur mum used to make for us.
Im thankful for ade tan, anita and hong choo for always gossipping with me. For always making me laugh. For always turning up for the outings i plan.
Im thankful for emma. Who is always rational. Whom i seek advice from and words of wisdom when im lost. For being such an emu. For always being there.
Im thankful for martin. For always making me laugh also. For always making things seem simple. For always guiding us with ur smarts. For always helping us out when we're clueless.
Im thankful for morgan and the girls. Especially morgan, my friend of almost ten years. For being there, always bimbo-ing with me. Always bitching with me. for going through so many firsts with me in my life. And the girls, though im only close with u in the recent years, u have brought alot of joy to my life.
Im thankful for the new sim friends i've made:
1. Wint - for listening to my woes since first day of school. For making me giggle like a small girl everytime u see adrian. For always reminding me to jian fei. For making me realise how thankful i should be, to be home in singapore.
2. Derrick - for being the big brother in my life when i need advice. on schoolwork. Or in life. U inspire me alot.
3. Joan, jocelyn and shyenne - though we've only begun the friendship very recently, u cheer me up when i needed help. small actions like buying chocolates for me and organising singing session despite having school.. Thanks.
- my room. I love my room as i always say. Its filled with me. Its my personality represented by furniture. For being the place i could hide, curl up and cry when im upset. Or the place that contains my laughter when im too happy. For being the place i look forward most to whenever im away. For being my fort. For being so cosy.
-for singapore. Though u're small and suffocating and stressful.. But im thankful for the almost regular buses we have. For an efficient public transport system so i wont need to drive. For the peace we get so we have time and energy to focus on our personal needs. For the peace. And affluence to have good public facilities.
- last of all, im thankful for being me. I may be fat, flat haired, pimple faced, geeky, boring, messy, unorganised and the list goes on. But im thankful for me. For having the courage to face everything though not necessarily handled them well.. But good enough. im lazy but when the eleventh hour come, i chiong. Im fat, but i've lost 20kg in 3 years. I may have been single for 20 years, but having a bf is optional for me. For every fall i take, i gather the strength to stand up tall again. Though it may be alot longer for me compared to others. And for being thankful for what i have.
Yeah. This period of time, sure is fucking tough. But i'll get over it. I need time. And a reminder of what i have... Before i forget.
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